"Memory is a funny thing. As time goes by our worst experiences become meaningful, the good ones become golden, and those few great moments become priceless."

-Ed Bachrach, Build Cambodia Founder      

"What was initial hesitation and queasiness at the thought of actually eating a cricket turned into a willingness to try the new and different and strange."
-Nancy Stevenson, Child Advocate      

"Months later, the memories and experiences are still with me on almost a daily basis and I imagine (and hope) that they will be forever."
-Susan Axelrod, Epilepsy Activist      

"We met some of the most remarkable "strangers", many with the oddly similar story of having been intending to stay only three months when they journeyed to Cambodia initially."
-Lori Jackson, Physician      

"Maslow's Hierarchy was referenced frequently during the trip. If one doesn't have food and clean water, nothing else much matters."
-Michele Studl, Clinical Psychologist      

Trip Reports

January 2007

June 2006

Stories from the Road

A Life Saved July 2007


June 2005 | pdf

June 2004 | pdf

February 2004 | pdf

June 2003 | pdf

January 2003 | pdf

May 2002 | pdf

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